Almond Butter and Coconut Bites

Almond butter and coconut are two things I never seem to get tired of so why not combine them, cover them in chocolate and make myself a healthy little treat? I couldn't come up with a reason not to, so here it is; my almond butter and coconut bites. 

I use Medjool dates in this recipe, if you've never worked with these before, don't worry, there's nothing scary about them. They are delicious bites of natures sweetness. I use them so I don't have to add sugar to my recipes, it's such a wonderful and healthy replacement.

1/2 cup oats
5 large dates
1/2 cup boiling water
2 Tbsp coconut flour
1 large pinch of unsweetened coconut
almond butter
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup cocao powder 

Grind oats to a powder and transfer to a different bowl. Puree dates with boiling water and add to oat flour. Add coconut and coconut flour. Mix everything well. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Scoop out 1 tsp portions, roll into a ball, flatten into a cookie and place onto cookie sheet. You should be able to make 8 equal sized cookies. Let cookies firm up in the freezer for about an hour. Remove from freezer. Spread almond butter on one cookie and top with another half. For the chocolate sauce, if the coconut oil has firmed up, just microwave it for a few seconds. Stir in cocao powder to make a smooth sauce. The sauce will be thin and very easy to drizzle or dip your cookies in. I just pour the sauce right over the cookies to cover them completely. Pop them back into the freezer to firm up the chocolate and then enjoy!   
